Revans Domain Alliance

A fun, active, family originated alliance looking for players as low as level 1 and as high as a multi-GL account! Mauls Domain is our beginner guild that will always be a place for you to give your friends and family and opportunity to get started with SWGOH, with opportunities to grow and move to our larger guilds in the future! Recruiting for Mauls Domain and Revans Domain today!


Guild Comparison

GP Avg. GP Min. GP SBR Krayt RotE LSGTB DSGTB TW Reset Mindset
Revans Domain 315m 6.32m 3.0m 73m 15 star 2 star 23 star 40/43 Competitive
Mauls Domain 62m 1.24m 0.0m 4/6 Semi Competitive